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A theory is appropriate as long as it fits into the fact; when a theory doesn't fit in the fact, it's wise to walk with the fact.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

IMF releases 3rd installment!

Based on the Second Review under the ECF arrangement for Bangladesh, IMF releases its third installment (about $136.6 million) under the same arrangement.

Press Release of IMF

Saturday, May 18, 2013

GDP growth of FY13 = 6.03%

So, now it's final that the preliminary estimates of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics show a 6.03% GDP growth for FY13, slashed down from the target of 7.2% growth.

Link on the news.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Inflation is on the rise!

Point to point inflation in April 2013 reached to 8.4%, rose from 7.7% in March. The recent political turmoil hits the supply chain of basic commodities, causes rise in the inflation rate. Both food and non-food inflation rose in April as compared to March.

Link on the news.